The No Monsters Spell was originally written 20+ years ago for my first daughter. Her mother and I divorced when she was very small and all of a sudden, I could not be there to tuck her in all the time. Since I am a writer, I wrote The No Monster Spell to remind her that I love her, was always thinking of her, and would protect her. Nineteen-ish years later my wife and I started fostering 3 little girls: age 2, 3 and 4. They had been through some unimaginable things and had a very tough time getting to sleep. I remembered The No Monsters Spell. So I got it out, edited it a bit, and started reading it to them every night to help them sleep. After a while I decided if it helped us, maybe it can help other kids and do some good in the world. And that is how the book got started. (Spoiler alert, we adopted those little girls and I am now hopeless outnumbered at our house.)